Job Fair Calendar Posting Request

Job Fair Calendar Posting Request

Please fill this form out completely to request a Job Fair or Employment Event posting on the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development website. These requests are processed on weekdays only. Please allow 2-3 days for processing your request.


* indicates a required field
Type of Event
Event Format
* indicates a required field
Show Sponsor Information On Calendar Posting
* indicates a required field

This information is not displayed on the calendar.

We will only use this information to contact you if we have questions about your submission.


* indicates a required field
* indicates a required field
County/Counties Where Job Opportunities Are Located (job location; not the counties you want to reach out to. You can select multiple counties)
Job Categories (you can select multiple categories)


Job Fair/Event Information:
Event Title/Company Name:
Type of Event:
Event Format:
Event Date:
Event Time: to 
Facility Name:
Event Address Line1:
Event Address Line2:
Event City, State, Zip Code:
Event County:
Event Sponsor Information:
Event Sponsor:
Event Contact Name:
Event Contact Email:
Event Contact Phone Number:
Event Sponsor Website:
Show Sponsor Info On Calendar Posting:
Requestor Information:
Your Name:
Your Phone Number:
Your Email:
Event Details:
Event Description:
Additional Information:
Event Website:
What to Bring:
Instructions and Directions:
Jobs Details:
County/Counties Where Job Opportunities Are Located:
Job Categories:





Carefully review the information above.

To make changes, click the "Back" button below. When everything is correct, check the Captcha box and click "Submit."